Helping Hands D.C., Inc. provides reference, referrals and connecting to resources with institution, organizations, businesses and individuals that care for, nurture, boost self - esteem, enrich and promote emotional, mental and physical health as well for children and teens We also provide information on medical and dental options for children, teens and their families.
We just launched project R.A.C.E ( Reading Always Creates Excellence). It is an ongoing initiative that was developed to make sure that all children have access to quality books. Books are the one single thing that begins literacy that will inspire excellence.
The goal of project R.A.C.E. is to get as many books into the hands of toddlers, preschoolers and school children as possible. We know that “literacy begins with a book”.
We look forward to working with as many corporations, institutions, organizations and individuals as we can that will help us put a book in a child's hand.
Helping Hands Haven will be the way in which Helping Hands Day Care, Inc. addresses and meet the needs of our teenagers. Helping Hands Haven will be a multi-service teen center for teenagers. The theme for Helping Hands Haven is "A SAFE PLACE FOR TEENS TO BE TEENS
Helping Hands Haven continues the nurturing and the loving attention designed with today's teens and young adults in mind. the ABC's as well as the D's, E's and F's are still at work but the applications are structured to aid in the areas of a teen's life where it will benefit them the most.Acceptance - allowing our teens to become a part of - not a problem to society Behavior promoting a respectful environment for teens by first respecting them. Challenges -through workshops and professional mentoring, teens are allowed to prepare for their future. Discipline - establish a program for success with working strategies and study habits that builds character. Esteem - our teens need to know that the world cares about them and their future. Fundamentals - making sense of the requirements for living is an essential ingredient for teens to become adults. Our teens will soon be the next generation of young men and women entering college, voting, working and starting careers. Our teens will be the consumers, policymakers and lawmakers who will set the tone for our socio-economic environment and the world in which we all live.Our teens must arm themselves with all the best qualities that they can get from our community to become our Nation's best. This armor must include self-discipline, respect for self and others and reverence for our elders. Education remains the most important of these qualities, which can only take place when all the other qualities have been mastered.
The armor has to be given to each teenager is a safe, secure and stable environment where Teens can be Teens. Safety, security and stability make it possible for our teens to be nurtured and supported while self esteem is built. The armor has to come from direct contacts with role models in our community. These role models have to be the law enforcement officers, fire fighters, lawyers, doctors, judges, professors, executives, business owners, and teachers in the community.
The armor must also come from mentors from the community who can give our teens words of wisdom that will allow them to discern any potential threat that can hinder their opportunity to succeed.
Today too many of our teen's role models are sports stars, music personalities and unrealistic images in the media.Helping Hands Haven will need lots of support to get this project off the ground, running and maintaining the day-to-day functions of the teen center. Helping Hands Haven will need an enormous amount of support from private and corporate donors in order to successfully improve the lives and communities of our teens. This support in addition to local, city, state and federal funding, will make a difference. Please support our teens.
Federal Tax Exempt number is: 113426462 North Carolina tax Exempt number is: 113426462
We just launched project R.A.C.E ( Reading Always Creates Excellence). It is an ongoing initiative that was developed to make sure that all children have access to quality books. Books are the one single thing that begins literacy that will inspire excellence.
The goal of project R.A.C.E. is to get as many books into the hands of toddlers, preschoolers and school children as possible. We know that “literacy begins with a book”.
We look forward to working with as many corporations, institutions, organizations and individuals as we can that will help us put a book in a child's hand.
Helping Hands Haven will be the way in which Helping Hands Day Care, Inc. addresses and meet the needs of our teenagers. Helping Hands Haven will be a multi-service teen center for teenagers. The theme for Helping Hands Haven is "A SAFE PLACE FOR TEENS TO BE TEENS
Helping Hands Haven continues the nurturing and the loving attention designed with today's teens and young adults in mind. the ABC's as well as the D's, E's and F's are still at work but the applications are structured to aid in the areas of a teen's life where it will benefit them the most.Acceptance - allowing our teens to become a part of - not a problem to society Behavior promoting a respectful environment for teens by first respecting them. Challenges -through workshops and professional mentoring, teens are allowed to prepare for their future. Discipline - establish a program for success with working strategies and study habits that builds character. Esteem - our teens need to know that the world cares about them and their future. Fundamentals - making sense of the requirements for living is an essential ingredient for teens to become adults. Our teens will soon be the next generation of young men and women entering college, voting, working and starting careers. Our teens will be the consumers, policymakers and lawmakers who will set the tone for our socio-economic environment and the world in which we all live.Our teens must arm themselves with all the best qualities that they can get from our community to become our Nation's best. This armor must include self-discipline, respect for self and others and reverence for our elders. Education remains the most important of these qualities, which can only take place when all the other qualities have been mastered.
The armor has to be given to each teenager is a safe, secure and stable environment where Teens can be Teens. Safety, security and stability make it possible for our teens to be nurtured and supported while self esteem is built. The armor has to come from direct contacts with role models in our community. These role models have to be the law enforcement officers, fire fighters, lawyers, doctors, judges, professors, executives, business owners, and teachers in the community.
The armor must also come from mentors from the community who can give our teens words of wisdom that will allow them to discern any potential threat that can hinder their opportunity to succeed.
Today too many of our teen's role models are sports stars, music personalities and unrealistic images in the media.Helping Hands Haven will need lots of support to get this project off the ground, running and maintaining the day-to-day functions of the teen center. Helping Hands Haven will need an enormous amount of support from private and corporate donors in order to successfully improve the lives and communities of our teens. This support in addition to local, city, state and federal funding, will make a difference. Please support our teens.
Federal Tax Exempt number is: 113426462 North Carolina tax Exempt number is: 113426462